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Understanding ADHD in Children:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is known as a neurological condition. There are three sub-groups – now referred to as Predominantly Inattentive, Predominantly Impulsive-Hyperactive, and the Combined Type.

Predominantly Inattentive (ADD) children:


  • Short attention span

  • Short term memory problems

  • Daydreamers

  • Easily Distracted

  • Forgetful

  • Poor listening skills

  • Possible slow processing speeds


Children in this group are often overlooked because they are less likely to display behavioural issues, fade into the background, are no trouble in class, and do not stand out in the same way as the other two groups.


Predominantly Impulsive-Hyperactive Children:

  • Poor impulse control (act and speak before thinking)

  • Overactive for the situation or activity

  • Fidgeting, jumping around

  • Over-talkative

  • Interrupt and intrude

  • Can’t wait turn

  • Do not consider consequences


Impulsiveness is what gets children into trouble because, unlike other children who may check before they push or pinch another child, these.



  • Constantly on the go

  • Can’t sit still

  • Difficulty falling asleep

  • Excessive talking

  • Flitting from one activity to another

Combined Type Impulsivity and Hyperactivity - Children may also struggle with:-

  • Making and keeping friends

  • Sustaining relationships

  • Emotional control

  • Frustration

  • Over reacting

  • Socially and emotionally immature

  • Hypersensitivity to noise

  • Can’t accept No for an answer


Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. 1186394 | © 2023 ADHD North West.

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